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The Periphery of Darkness

As photographers we are often guilty of romanticising woodland. Searching out the cleanest compositions, the most pleasing conditions and the nicest light.
I did this myself throughout a lot of images in the Sherwood project, there were a few darker images, but in general it was showing off the best of the forest.
However, there are two sides to woodland and you often don’t have to walk far before the paths narrow and get overgrown, the trees close in and the undergrowth becomes dense and wild.

It can be a dark and daunting place, often the location of folklore and horror stories.

While it’s one of my favourite places to explore, there are times when it feels uneasy, and despite all efforts at rational thought the imagination runs wild.
Every breaking twig, each rustle in the foliage behind you transforms into something unknown that keeps you on edge.

The Periphery of Darkness looks at the edges of woodland, where the light picks out dense intertwined branches guarding the darkness beyond.