On Friday there had been a hard frost and heavy fog hanging round almost all day, perfect photography conditions in my eye, and while I got to enjoy them whilst walking my daughter to school that was the extent of my opportunity to get out that day.
The forecast for Saturday was similar so I set my alarm early.

Glancing out the window it looked like it had paid off, I didn’t have too much time so decided to head to some fairly local woodland, not normally the most picturesque but hoping it would be transformed by the weather that morning.

As I got near the fog was completely clearing, until it was nothing more than a light haze in my chosen destination. For the first ten minutes I was pretty disappointed, what had looked like the most promising morning for a long time was just flat light and hardly any frost.

Walking down one small track I noticed a strip of white the other side of the some undergrowth and found a way through to explore. It turned out to be a small clearing underneath some power lines and was absolutely covered in the most amazing frost.

It was probably an area of only 100m or less across, but I also only had around 30 minutes, so spent the time looking at all the intricate details and trying to capture a couple of the most impressive trees in multiple compositions.

On the way back to the car walking through the more managed pine I couldn’t pass up the opportunity for a couple more shots with a slightly darker feel to the rest.